Wednesday, November 5, 2008

College Admissions Expert To Speak At BA

While Brookfield Academy's academic program prepares students to compete for admission to the best colleges and universities in the country, providing students and parents with the intellectual capital essential to understanding the college admissions process is a major aspect of the college counseling program.

Students begin this learning process their freshmen year when they take a formal college admissions class, set personal and academic goals, hear from seniors about their personal college admissions process, do a practice PSAT, and meet with teachers to discuss the college recommendations teachers will eventually write for them. Sophomore year, the students become familiar with the College Board website, visit college campuses, and begin to take SAT and ACT practice tests. In the junior year, the focus begins to narrow to the individual student and the process of building a college list begins in earnest. By second semester of the junior year, students are beginning to prepare to formally apply to schools of their choice. All this preparation culminates with the formal submission of college applications during first semester of the senior year.

Parents are partners in the college admissions process. Like their children, the process begins in the freshman year, when parents are invited to college counseling seminars. As they move further into the process, the focus narrows to the individual child and their college admissions predilections.

The BA college counseling approach is intent on taking the complexity out of the process and ensuring that BA students are in the best possible position when it comes to choosing a college of their choice. On Tuesday, November 11, Brookfield Academy further demonstrates its commitment to demystifying college admissions by welcoming Mr. Lee Stetson, recently retired Dean of Admissions at the University of Pennsylvania and a 29-year veteran of the college admissions process. Mr. Stetson travels throughout the United States speaking about the highly-competitive college admissions process and is a leading expert in the field of college admissions; his insight into admissions strategies will be invaluable. This speech is open to all BA families and the college counseling department strongly encourages parents of students in grades 7-12 to attend Mr. Stetson's presentation. It is at 7 pm in the Upper School gym and is free of charge.

The BA college counseling program is a sophisticated response to the highly-competitive world of college and university admissions. The visit by Mr. Stetson is another part of the learning process essential to realizing the goal of admission to the college of your choice. Be sure to join other BA students and parents in taking advantage of another opportunity to prepare for the college admissions process.

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