Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The popular BAME (Brookfield Academy Mini-Economy) simulation gives Level 7 and 8 students lessons on how an economy, a competitive market, government, banking, and politics coexist with each other.

After a recent BAME market day, I overheard a student exclaiming that he had a lot of Peschos (BAME currency) and would soon be "loaded." Often, students in BAME focus on instant wealth and overlook the important lessons of this simulation. Our themes of

Personal Responsibility
and Gratitude Inspires

present ideas that can be woven into the lessons of BAME, reminding students that they will make contributions to others in their future.

Billionaires such as Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have said the rich have benefited from their nation’s assets and systems to become wealthy. Gates and Buffet are committed to giving away the majority of their wealth through a program called "The Giving Pledge." What message can we give our students while still within the borders of Freedom Hall and so diligently earning the mighty "Pescho"?

• We can raise awareness that generosity is not just about giving money but also about giving of self. It is less about the size of the check and more about the personal satisfaction of giving and the outcomes seen.

• We can teach that giving back does not have to be made with a financial donation. Students can give of their time and talent to make a difference.

• We can remind students that what we have today at Brookfield Academy is the result of hard work, support, and donations from many people over the course of 50 years. Students are the ones who are reaping these benefits.

Being thankful for what we have allows us to give back and inspires us to do more as responsible, constructive, free people.

Doug Ricci, Middle School Head

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